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To better understand the concept of VPN, we need to know how the working principle of a VPN. Basically, VPN works in a way as if creating a network within a network or a so-called tunnel. VPN itself uses one of three existing tunneling technologies, namely: PPTP, L2TP, and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). VPN is a combination of tunneling and encryption technology so the best vpn for PCis more secure than ordinary internet connections.
To connect between 1 PC with another, VPN requires a VPN Server which can be a computer with a VPN Server application or a Router. The computer with the VPN Client application will then contact the VPN Server, the VPN Server then verifies the username and password. A connection/tunnel will be formed on the client computer after VPN Server provides a new IP Address.

After we understand what a VPN is and how it works, then let us understand what are the uses and benefits that can be received by using a VPN.
Transactions in the internet network become safer
If you often make large transactions such as through e-banking, stock sites or forex, then using VPN, your transactions and data will be far more private and less vulnerable to hacker attacks.
Cover traces of internet activity history
Besides your data is better protected, VPN is also useful if you access private or confidential content on the internet. With a VPN, your search history will not be detected by other people or parties who are not responsible. This is very useful for matters relating to copyright.
Speed ??up the Download Process
This VPN can also be used to increase download speeds from the internet. When using a VPN, it is as if we are using a private network, which is used a little by others and can also be connected directly to the flow of data flowing on the internet, which can increase download speeds.
Remote Access remotely
With VPN we can access a computer or office network, from anywhere as long as it is connected to the internet such as for retrieving data, opening e-mails or databases and so on.
Open access to blocked/censored sites
VPNs can also be used to access blocked sites or censored content by hosts or ISPs that are usually related to state or office regulations such as blocking social media sites during business hours, blocking FB sites in some countries and so on.
Have you ever experienced problems when accessing a VPN? So what to do? To overcome this problem, it is recommended that you switch to using another VPN access, L2TP. Although L2TP is still used less frequently, L2TP is also compatible with common operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.
Besides being compatible with a variety of desktop, mobile and tablet devices, VPN L2TP is also stable on NAT-supported devices. L2TP also has the highest encryption, IP Sec which checks data integrity and summarizes data twice so that it becomes the right choice if security is your priority.
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